Interviews Music

INTERVIEW: Leah Jane Discusses The Release Of The Brand New Single “Same Cloth”!

Toronto-based musician Leah Jane is swiftly making an impression on the music scene through heartfelt lyrical storytelling & charismatically expressive vocals.

Following the release of “Paper Crown” & “Scarlet Letter”, Leah unveils the brand new single “Same Cloth”, which marks the 3rd release from her upcoming EP Nottingham Drive. 

This latest release follows suit from Leah’s earlier releases by touching on themes of love & learning from the obstacles that often come with it. The slow piano instrumental allows Jane’s broad vocal range & the message from the lyrics to shine through. The song evokes a feeling of nostalgia, taking the listener back to the first time they experienced pure love. 

Leah has kindly taken the time to chat with Fierce & Fabulous Revolution regarding the release of her brand-new single & what we can anticipate from the upcoming EP. Check out the full interview below.

Hey Leah, thank you so much for this interview. Can you start by introducing yourself to readers who might be unfamiliar with your music? 

Leah: Hey 🙂 Thanks for having me, it’s great to be here. I’m Leah Jane, a singer/songwriter from St. John’s, Newfoundland. Believe it or not, I originally moved to Toronto in 2016 for musical theatre, but ended up falling in love with writing and film/TV. So, I’d still like to pursue acting, but the focus is music right now. Music has always been a big part of my life—I’ve been writing songs since I was 12. But it wasn’t until college that I really started taking it seriously. Hearing the record “Heard It In A Past Life” by Maggie Rogers during that time sparked something in me, inspiring me to perform more and share my own songs. Since then, I’ve been writing, collaborating, and finally, I’m ready to share my music with the world. It’s been quite the journey, and I’m excited for what’s to come. 

When did you first discover your passion for music? 

Leah: Music has been around since I was a baby. I can remember my first music class—a bunch of toddlers sitting around banging on xylophones. It wasn’t so much a discovery as it was a part of who I am, you know? 

Have you always known that you wanted to pursue a career within the music industry? 

Leah: I’ve always known I would pursue something artistic. It started with music at a young age, and then I found musical theatre. But I quickly discovered a love for acting on screen, and writing, of course. It was in college that I really decided I wanted to be a songwriter.  

How would you describe your musical style? 

Leah: Girly, fun, but sad. There’s a sort of triumphant feel to a lot of my songs, because a lot of them are about overcoming obstacles and releasing old patterns. It’s just what I was writing a lot about last year.   

You recently released your new single “Same Cloth”. How did the idea for this song come together? 

Leah: I was sitting with my manager, Alex, in my kitchen. We were feeling suuuuuper uninspired. After a few failed song attempts, he played these chords I just thought were beautiful. He later told me he had been holding onto them for almost 10 years. Then I started humming the melody. Because we’re such good friends, he knew what had been on my mind and we started writing about loves lost, and looking back on what could’ve been.  

Did you always plan to release “Same Cloth” as a single? 

Leah: Yes. I knew pretty much immediately I wanted to release it as a single. The content matter of the song is just so special to me, I wanted this story to be included on the EP. Not to mention, it’s one of my favourite melodies I’ve ever written.   

What does this song mean to you? 

Leah: This song really gets to the heart of love in its purest form. It’s about letting go of a love that’s so deep and real, and even though you know it’s the right thing to do, you can’t help but wonder, “What if?” To me, it literally sounds like all the highs and lows of love. It’s like this big cry-out for a person you’re deeply missing but have already let go of. I love that the production mirrors that from the lyrics and melody too.  

What message would you like listeners to take from “Same Cloth”? 

Leah: Well, I hope they have some sort of catharsis from it. Whether that be to dance or cry or run around and scream. I hope it can help some people through any sort of ache that may be sticking to them right now.  

“Same Cloth” will feature on your forthcoming EP, Nottingham Drive. What’s the story behind choosing the name Nottingham Drive? 

Leah: “Nottingham Drive” was the very first street I lived on in Newfoundland. We moved a couple of times after but we lived there for the first 5 years of my life. I have so many good memories and cute photos from the backyard. It was such a beautiful, peaceful place to grow up. Many of my songs unpack anxieties about dealing with the real world, and adult issues – dealing with conflict, and pain. As I’m getting older, I have a growing appreciation for my childhood, my parents, and the community that made it so warm.  

What are some of the things that inspired the songs on the EP? 

Leah: I went through a period of time where I let way too many people in my life who didn’t respect my boundaries and, quite plainly, treated me badly. I felt like I was a punching bag, and eventually, I thought I deserved it. But, ultimately it follows a few stories about letting go of past versions of myself, and forgiving myself and others so we can all move forward.  

Finally, is there a message that you would like to share with the readers of Fierce & Fabulous Revolution? 

Leah: HELLOOOOO READERS! ❤ I hope you all know you are loved and cherished. Don’t be too hard on yourself and I hope you find some time to laugh and dance today… You deserve it. ❤ XOXO LJ 

You can check out “Same Cloth” on Spotify below or on more platforms here.

Leah Jane: Instagram / TikTok.