Interviews Music

KTJ & CARLY Essay: Adolescence to Adulthood: A Musical Odyssey in ‘Forever Young’!

Highly acclaimed singer-songwriters & producer KTJ & CARLY mark a new beginning with a burgeoning reflection on innocence and the perils of growing up on their new track “Forever Young”.

This brand new single “Forever Young” starts as a somber reflection on losing your innocence in a world that forces us to grow up long before we’re ready. The song is a perfect showcase of the heartfelt lyrical storytelling we have come to love from this talented duo & highlights the moving textures within their voices.

KTJ & CARLY have kindly worked on an essay for Fierce & Fabulous Revolution regarding their brand-new single & you can check out their essay below.

What does it mean to be forever young? In a world where the vast majority of our lives are spent navigating the complexities of adulthood, this question beckons us to explore the essence of youth that resides within each of us. “Forever Young,” our latest single written alongside our great friend, Elise Howard, serves not only as a melodic journey through the landscape of growing up but also as a reminder of the enduring vitality that defines our youthful spirit.

The lyrics that are woven seamlessly into a nostalgic melody, “Forever Young” becomes more than just a song; it’s an anthem that encapsulates the universal desire to maintain a connection with our youth, even as the demands of everyday life threaten to drown it out. Each verse is a testament to the emotional rollercoaster of self-discovery and resilience, underscored by a prevailing sense of optimism and yearning for the simplicity of childhood days.

Back in 2019, we transitioned from the comforts of home into the daunting realm of independence, the realities of adulthood hit us with an unexpected force. Navigating life’s labyrinth in a way… balancing the scales of responsibility while nurturing our dreams, proved to be much more difficult than we thought. In the hustle and bustle of making ends meet and fulfilling obligations, the vibrant hues of our youth seemed to fade into the background for a while. The spontaneity, the joy of simply being silly and having fun, became casualties of a routine existence. The weight of this really came
down in 2023. I, Carly, had a prolonged battle with TMJ left me grappling with pain and uncertainty, putting many of our goals and plans on hold. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged when I rediscovered my inner child.

Reconnecting with the carefree spirit that once danced within us became a beacon of light in the midst of adversity. It was a journey back to ourselves, a rediscovery of the happiness that had eluded us for so long. In embracing the spontaneity and wonder of childhood, we found strength to navigate the stormy seas of life once more. Shortly after, this song was born. The lyrics of “Forever Young” serve as a reminder that while the responsibilities of adulthood may weigh heavy on our shoulders, the essence of youth resides eternally within us, waiting to be reignited like a flame in the darkness. It’s there, we just have to reach out and grab it.

In the opening lines of the first verse, we confront the apprehension that often comes with the onset of adulthood. It is new territory and while there are others to help, the lessons we learn in adulthood are often from our mistakes made on our own. Amidst this uncertainty, there’s a resolve never to abandon the youthful spirit that defines us.This sentiment is echoed in the pre-chorus, where we confess, that even though we are getting older, we sometimes still feel like a little kid, just trying to navigate it all. It is a sentiment that resonates deeply with anyone who has grappled with the realities of growing up.

Continuing our lyrical odyssey, the second verse of Forever Young is a testament to resilience and personal growth. Amidst the ashes of past mistakes and self-doubt, we rise, phoenix-like, reclaiming our strength and embracing the wisdom gained through adversity. The following lyrics serve as a reminder that age is but a number, and true wisdom knows no bounds, as we seek guidance from the embodiment of wisdom herself. This was inspired by a lot of the women we grew up around. These women are the most wonderful, youthful spirited people we know, and are also the wisest. They
have lived long enough to know that the happiest people are the ones who take pleasure in life, not take it all so seriously, similar to a kid.

And then, there’s the refrain, the heartbeat of Forever Young, echoing through the corridors of memory and hope, a call to arms against the relentless march of time. “Stay Forever Young,” it’s not as a plea to halt the inevitable passage of years, but as a rallying cry to preserve the spirit of youth within us, to find beauty in the ordinary, and to embrace each moment with the same wonder and curiosity as a child.

As our song draws to a close, the melody fades away, reminiscent of a record reaching its end. This serves as a metaphor for the cyclical nature of life. Just as one record concludes its journey, we have the opportunity to pick up a new one, placing the needle at the beginning to start afresh.

In Forever Young, we’ve crafted more than just a song; it’s about embracing the present, to cherish the memories of the past, and to greet the future with open arms and a heart forever young; it’s a testament to the enduring power of music to unite us, inspire us, and remind us of what it means to be truly alive. As we all navigate adulthood, let us never forget the simple truth captured in these timeless lyrics: that no matter where life may lead us, we will always be forever young at heart.

You can check out “Forever Young” on Spotify below or on more platforms here.

KTJ & CARLY: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram.