Reviews Single reviews

REVIEW: Emily Mercer Shares The Brand New Single “The Bottle”!

Manchester-based Indie singer-songwriter Emily Mercer continues to share her charismatically expressive style with the latest single, “The Bottle”! 

This single centres around the dark side of creativity & how society can glamourize & exploit the struggling mental health of artists without thought for the person behind the music. 

Alongside this statement of struggle, the song’s message is also one of hope by resolving that art is significant in our lives & how it is free to inspire & connect people through meaningful relationships.

This latest release features modern indie & dream pop elements with 2000’s nostalgia-driven guitars & laid-back lo-fi grooves to create a soundscape full of intriguing curiosity that lays a foundation for the lyrics to speak to listeners on a profound level.

This song showcases Emily’s expressive lyrical spirit & highlights the soulful textures within her vocals. This really does express the distinctive nature of this creative visionary. 

You can check out “The Bottle” on Spotify below or on more platforms here.

Emily Mercer: Facebook / X (Twitter) / Instagram.